Medical X's Abbreviations

The interpretation of an abbreviation may vary in different contexts.

Ax - - Assessment, Axilla, Anxiety
Bx - - Biopsy, Behaviour, Bilateral
BHx - Birth History
Cx - - Cervix, Culture, Cancel, Culex (mosquito)
CTx - - Chemotherapy
Dx - - Diagnosis, Donation
DDx - - Differential Diagnosis
DHx - - Diet History
Ex - - Example, Equipment, Exercise
Fx - - Fracture, Function, Family
FHx - - Family History
Gx - - Gene Expression
Hx - - History (Anamnese)
HxPC - - History of Present Complaint(s)
Ix - - Investigation
Jx - - Joint
Lx - - Lymph node, Lymphatic, Laxative, Luxation
Mx - - Medication, Metastasis
Nx - - No Exercise
Ox - - Oxygen
Px - - Prognosis, Physical (Examination), Procedure, Problem
PMHx - - Past Medical History
Qx - - Ok
Rx - - Recipe, Receive
Sx - - Signs & Symptoms, Surgery
SHx - - Social History
Tx - - Therapy, Treatment, Transplant, Traction, Transfer
Vx - - Vertex
Wx - - Weather (non-medical)

If you know one that isn't listed yet, please let me know here.

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