Eat your Heart out

algivore: Eater of algae
ambivore: Eater of grasses and broad-leaved plants
amphivore: Eater of both animal and vegetable foods (also known as omnivore)
animavore: Eater of souls
aphidivore: Eater of aphids
apivore: Eater of bees
arachnivore: Eater of spiders
aurivore: Eater of gold
avivore: Eater of birds

baccivore: Eater of berries
bacterivore: Eater of bacteria
batrachivore: Eater of water bottoms
brychocarnivore: Eater of meat with a lot of noise and greed
brychomnivore: Eater in a noisy, barbaric way

calcivore: Eater of calcium, limestone
cancrivore: Eater of crabs
carnivore: Eater of meat
cepivore: Eater of onions
comburivore: Eaten by fire
concarnivore: Eater of foods that only contains meat
corallivore: Eater of coral

detritivore: Eater of dead organic material, especially plant detritus

equivorous: Eating horse-flesh
erucivore: Eater of caterpillars
exudativore: Eater of gum and other exudates from trees

ferrivore: Eater of iron
fimivore: Eater of dung
florivore: Eater of flowers or plant species
folivore: Eater of leaves
forbivore: Eater of broad-leaved plants
formicivore: Eater of ants
formivore: Eater of ants
frondivore: Eater of leaves
fructivore: Eater of fruit
frugivore: Eater of fruit
fucivore: Eater of seaweed
fumivore: Eater of smoke
fungivore: Eater of fungi

gallivore: Eater of galls
graminivore: Eater of grasses
granivore: Eater of grain
gumivore: Eater of gums secreted by plants

herbivore: Eater of plants
hominivore: Eater of humans
humanovore: Eater of humans
humivore: Eater of humus

insectivore: Eater of insects
invertivore: Eater invertebrates 

lactivore: Eater of milk
larvivore: eater of larvae
leguminivore: Eater of beans, peas and other legumes
lichenivore: Eater of lichens
lignivore: Eater of wood or lignite
limnivore: Eater of mud
lithovore: Eater of rocks and minerals
locavore: Eater of only locally grown food

mellivore: Eater of honey
merdivore: Eater of excrement
microbivore: Eater of microorganisms
molluscivore: Eater of molluscs
mucivore: Eater of plant juices
mycovore: Eater of fungi
myristicivore: Eater of nutmeg
myrmevore: Eater of ants

nectarivore: Eater of nectar
nucivore: Eater of nuts

offivore: Eater of offal
omnivore: Eater of any type of available food
ornithivore: Eater of birds
oryzivore: Eater of rice
ossivore: Eater of bones
ovivore: Eater of eggs or sheep

palynivore: Eater of pollen
panivore: Eater of bread
photovore: 'Eater' of light as a source of energy
phytivore: Eater of plants or vegetable matter
phytosuccivore: Eater of the sap of plants
pigmentivore: Eater of pigments, destroyer of paint
pinivore: Eater of pine seeds
piscivore: Eater of fish
planktivore: Eater of plankton
plastivore: Eater of plastics, mostly bacteria and worms. See here.
plurivore: Eater of many things
pollenivore: Eater of pollen
pollinivore: Eater of pollen produced by plant stamens
pomivore: Eater of apples
pupivore: Eater of pupae

quercivore: Eater of oak leaves or acorns

radicivore: Eater of tubers and roots
ranivore: Eater of frogs

reptilivore: Eater of reptiles

sanguinivore: Eater of blood
saprovore: Eater of dead or decaying organic matter
seminivore: Eater of seeds
serpentivore: Eater of snakes
spongivore: Eater of sponges
stellavore: Eater of stars (massive black hole or Egyptian god Seth)
stercovore: Eater of excrement or dung

uncarnivore: Non-meat eater
univore: Eater of just one kind of food or eating just once a day

vermivore: Eater of worms and insects (vermin)
voracivore: Eater of great quantities of food

xylovore: Eater of wood

zoosuccivore: Eater of the liquid secretions of decaying animal matter

Mostly taken from here.

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